Our team working on a six week refurbishment project at Gaywood Tesco in King’s Lynn, were delighted to support one of the store’s long-standing community partnerships, St Faith’s Church. The Rev Karlene Kerr, Team Vicar and Dean of Lynn visited the store to tell us more about the amazing work they do, helping with the cost-of-living crisis and providing opportunities for people to meet and make friends.
Within their church facilities St Faith’s provide a variety of services, all with refreshments, including a ‘warm space’ day for those struggling with energy bills, the Forget Me Not club for lonely residents and an Alzheimer’s Club for carers and those suffering from this disease.
The continued support from Tesco Community Champions and managers, and donations such as our own, ensure this wonderful voluntary work continues to make a huge difference to so many.
St Faith’s Church: https://www.stfaithsgaywoodlep.org.uk/
View our Social Values roadmap: https://www.rgcarter-construction.co.uk/supporting-social-value/
See more on Tesco Community engagement: https://www.tescoplc.com/sustainability/communities/