Brancaster Ward Refurbishment at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn
Delivered alongside the West Dereham Ward refurbishment project, R G Carter were appointed to refurbish a former outpatients unit to provide a post-natal unit to support with the failsafe programme (freeing up the Castleacre Ward to the next scheme) on the QEHKL site.
The project was delivered within tight timescales which was aided by a direct award under the NHS SBS Framework. The project saw the successful delivery of high-quality work within a short timescale. This enabled the broader programme of works aimed at ensuring site safety. These works formed the first project of a four-year phased failsafe programme, for the RAAC plank system.
The full scope of works included the provision of a 19-bed Maternity Ward, consisting of four 4-bed bays and 3 single rooms with en-suite, alongside the required supporting rooms. The original ward was
completely stripped to allow the area to be remodelled to suit their needs. Other works comprised of demolition, installation of the RAAC plank fail safe system, metal stud partitions, suspended ceiling, and a complete rewire of 3 gas medical bedheads and nurse call system.
We needed to fast track a project which was on the back foot to start to kick of the hospitals failsafe programme. The programme was virtually unachievable but every effort was made to achieve it.