Burwell Village College Primary School
This BREEAM Very Good scheme extended the existing primary school from 2FE to 3FE through various extension and refurbishment works. The design extends four key areas of the school to include six new classbases, a new library and extensions to the school kitchen and staffroom accommodation.
The project comprised:
- design and construction of a single storey extension to the reception, administration area and main entrance;
- refurbishment of the kitchen and hall;
- design and construction of a new two storey, steel framed extension;
- creation of an external dining area;
- single storey new build reception block adjoining existing KS1 block and landscaping to form external teaching spaces
Due to the nature of the design the centre of the school required demolition (by a separate contractor prior to our commencement) to create space for the new two storey block. As a consequence, general thoroughfares through were compromised.
Therefore we instigated discussions with the school and other stakeholders at the earliest convenience in order to sequence the works suitably. Early consultation highlighted the need for a temporary entrance solution for the school, which we implemented during the summer holidays to minimise disruption to the school. Works were split into six main phases to minimise disruption to the school while it remained fully operational.
The on-site sports facilities are shared between the school and private sports centre. Early discussions were held with the Sports Centre Manager regarding our temporary haul road, access and site use, which created a strong working relationship between parties, resulting in a negotiation of parking spaces and RGC loaning safety barriers to secure unsafe