Grace Cook Primary School
R G Carter successfully completed this primary School in Stowmarket on behalf of Suffolk County Council and the Owell Multi Academy Trust.
The Grace Cook School is a 230-place primary school with a standalone nursery suitable for 60 children. The school has been structurally and spatially built to enable the school to increase capacity and offer 420 places, each year group has a dedicated space and play area, and there is a multi use hall as well as on site dining for all students.
There is a project wide SUDS scheme incorporating swales, attenuation & Sports England Standard Playing Field with integral land drainage into the surface system.
Grace Cook has highly interfaced constructional details providing swathes of natural lighting and subsequent protection from solar shading with brise soleil at peak times, as well as mixed comfort systems with natural ventilation supported by hybrid and mechanical ventilation & heat recovery. Grace Cook also have photovoltaic panels enabling the schools carbon reduction plan.
At R G Carter, we like to leave a lasting legacy with each of our builds, at Grace Cook Primary School, we organised time capsules with the children, provided additional external play equipment and shading, as well as providing a ‘loose parts’ play area.